„ Ochii pisicii, schimbatori in functie de incidenta luminii, erau considerati ca inselatori, iar capacitatea sa de a veghea chiar si in intunericul cel mai dens i-a adus faima de a fi aliata cu fortele intunericului .” ( dictionar )
Vampires love the Halloween season, Bloodletting is their primary reason. People who roam on Halloween night, Are probably in for a terrible fright.
Costumes galore, as they seek "Tricks or Treats", Not knowing that vampires are walking their beats. Princesses, turtles, and Disney ducks, Vampires agree that Halloween "SUCKS".
So exercise caution, use lots of care, This is the night that vampires scare. If you see one coming, be ready to run, But otherwise kids, go out and have fun.
Ron Roberson
RăspundețiȘtergereVampires love the Halloween season,
Bloodletting is their primary reason.
People who roam on Halloween night,
Are probably in for a terrible fright.
Costumes galore, as they seek "Tricks or Treats",
Not knowing that vampires are walking their beats.
Princesses, turtles, and Disney ducks,
Vampires agree that Halloween "SUCKS".
So exercise caution, use lots of care,
This is the night that vampires scare.
If you see one coming, be ready to run,
But otherwise kids, go out and have fun.
Eu iubesc pisicile, e pacatul meu:)))
RăspundețiȘtergereConteaza ce simti tu , nu ce zice "dictionarul"...Oricum ai iubi si oricum ai trai aceasta iubire NU ESTE PACAT .
ESTE si-atat !
RăspundețiȘtergereAm incurcat-o ! Nu stiu engleza .
Dar stiu ca la tine toate sunt frumoase si sincere .
Multumesc !